3 Critical Steps to Become a More Trustworthy Leader

Leaders are action takers. That’s often the reason they are given promotions and opportunities to lead. However, it’s incredibly easy to be so focused on “doing” that we forget about improving our “being.” This has significant ramifications. 

Who you are matters more than what you do and how you do it. “Being” informs and impacts what you do and how you do it. If we can get the being part right, the what and how will become easier and more successful. 

If you’re ready to develop the “being” side of your leadership, take the following critical steps:

1 - Develop Your Character

The “being” aspect of your life is all about your character. This is you becoming the best version of yourself possible. It’s about becoming stronger, better, faster, smarter, etc. It’s about having integrity and being trustworthy. If you overlook developing your character, it will cost you much. When you focus on developing good character, it will take you farther than you ever thought possible. Developing your character requires a daily commitment to investing in yourself through learning, thinking, listening, praying, and challenging yourself. Find ways to get better every day.

2 - Protect Your Integrity

It’s been said that integrity is who you are when no one is watching. Integrity is defined by Dictionary.com as “adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty; the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished; a sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition.” While none of us are perfect, leaders people love to follow strive to give and be their best each day. When you’re tempted to lie, cheat, steal, or slander someone’s character, integrity restrains you. Integrity causes you to take the high road when you’d rather take a cheap shot at someone with whom you’re frustrated or angry. In order to improve your “being”, protect your integrity as a critical action.

3 - Focus on Consistency

One of the great characteristics of leaders people love to follow is consistency. This allows your followers to be confident in knowing what to expect from you. Unpredictable people are hard to follow. In fact, most people won’t follow them for long. They may stay in their organization or on their team, but they’ll secretly ignore the person’s words because they aren’t dependable. Consistency requires you to show up with a predictable demeanor and operate with a predictable approach. Your people need to know what to expect from you. Be yourself. Authenticity makes consistency easier. Choose each day to be calm in the midst of the chaos that inevitably ensues. Steadiness and consistency go hand-in-hand, especially during turbulent times.

Who you are matters to your followers. Continue to be an action-taker since it is necessary for leadership, but don’t allow your “doing” to supersede your “being”. If you do, it will be to your detriment. 

Imagine being the kind of leader people are glad to see arrive each day. Imagine being the kind of leader people trust for guidance and support during challenging times. Imagine being the kind of leader people know they can depend on because you are consistent in how you “show up” each day. This can all be possible when you implement these three critical actions of focusing on your “being” before “doing”.

Chris McClure

Chris McClure is a pastor-turned-entrepreneur who stepped away from a “safe” career to start his own leadership, life, and business coaching practice. He has also published two books - “The Way to Greatness” and “The Magnetic Leader”. He is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and executives become great leaders, build great teams, and design great lives so they can attract and retain high-quality team members, customers, and clients. He lives in the Dayton, Ohio area with his wife and three amazing kids. You can learn more about Chris at www.mcclurecoaching.com.


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